In PySpark, both the foreach() and foreachPartition() functions are used to apply a function to each element of a DataFrame or RDD (Resilient Distributed Dataset). However, there are differences in their behavior and usage, especially when dealing with distributed data processing.

foreach() function:

  • The foreach() function applies the provided function to each element of the DataFrame or RDD individually. It processes one element at a time.
  • The provided function is executed sequentially and independently on each element of the DataFrame or RDD.
  • The primary purpose of foreach() is to perform side effects, such as writing data to an external system or updating global state. It doesn’t return any result or collect the output.
  • Each worker node in the Spark cluster invokes the provided function on its assigned portion of the data.


# Using foreach() to print each element
df = spark.createDataFrame([(1,), (2,), (3,)], ["value"])
df.foreach(lambda row: print(row[0]))

foreachPartition() function:

  • The foreachPartition() function applies the provided function to each partition of the DataFrame or RDD. It processes a partition as a whole, rather than individual elements.
  • The provided function receives an iterator of elements within a partition and can perform operations that require accessing the entire partition or maintaining state across elements within a partition.
  • The primary advantage of foreachPartition() is the ability to perform efficient bulk operations on a partition, reducing the overhead of invoking the function for each element individually.
  • Each worker node in the Spark cluster executes the provided function on its assigned partitions.


# Using foreachPartition() to print the sum of elements within each partition
df = spark.createDataFrame([(1,), (2,), (3,)], ["value"])
df.foreachPartition(lambda iterator: print(sum(row[0] for row in iterator)))

In summary, the foreach() function is suitable for performing side effects on each individual element, while the foreachPartition() function is useful when you need to process a partition as a whole or perform operations that require accessing the entire partition.