Working with JSON data in PySpark is a common task as JSON is a popular data format for storing and exchanging structured data. PySpark provides functions to read, parse, manipulate, and write JSON data. Here’s an overview of how to work with JSON data in PySpark:

Reading JSON data:

PySpark allows you to read JSON data from various sources such as files, databases, or APIs using the function.

df ="path/to/json/file.json")

This reads the JSON data from the specified file and creates a DataFrame df with the inferred schema.

Parsing JSON data:

PySpark automatically infers the schema while reading JSON data. However, you can also specify the schema explicitly using the schema parameter in the function.

from pyspark.sql.types import StructType, StructField, StringType, IntegerType

schema = StructType([
    StructField("name", StringType(), nullable=False),
    StructField("age", IntegerType(), nullable=False)

df ="path/to/json/file.json", schema=schema)

This example reads the JSON data and applies the specified schema to create the DataFrame df.

Working with JSON columns:

Once the JSON data is loaded into a DataFrame, you can access and manipulate the JSON columns using dot notation or the getItem() function.,["name"], df["address"]["city"]).show()

These examples demonstrate how to access the “name” and “city” fields within the JSON columns.

Extracting nested fields:

PySpark provides functions like get_json_object() and json_tuple() to extract nested fields from JSON columns.

from pyspark.sql.functions import get_json_object, json_tuple, "$.email").alias("email")).show(), "", "").alias("location")).show()

These examples extract the “email” field using get_json_object() and the “city” and “country” fields using json_tuple().

Writing JSON data:

PySpark allows you to write DataFrame data as JSON using the df.write.json() function.


This saves the DataFrame df as JSON data in the specified directory.

These are some basic operations for working with JSON data in PySpark. PySpark provides a wide range of functions and capabilities to handle complex JSON structures, nested fields, and more advanced JSON operations.

Refer to the PySpark documentation for more details and functions related to working with JSON data.